Who is running: Ward 9?

Windsor City Hall Photo Jon Liedtke Windsor City Hall Photo Jon Liedtke

Click each candidates’ name to find out their answers to the 2022 Windsor Election Rose City Politics Candidate Questionaire. (If there is no link to the candidate’s answers it is because we have yet to be provided with a response).

  1. Harinder Cheema
  2. Kieran McKenzie
  3. Dan Mokrzycki

Harinder Cheema

Harinder Cheema
Harinder Cheema

3786 Howard Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, N9E 3N7
Phone: 647-274-8728 or 519-982-6324
Email: hcheemalaw@gmail.com
Website: www.cheemaward9.wixsite.com/cheemaward9

Kieran McKenzie

Kieran McKenzie
Kieran McKenzie

1824 Vicky Circle
Phone: 226-724-5496
Facebook: www.facebook.com/VoteKieranMcKenzie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/kieranmckenzie
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mckenzie.kieran/?hl=en

Dan Mokrzycki

Dan Mokrzycki
Dan Mokrzycki

Email: danmokrzyckiward9@gmail.com
Website: www.danmokrzyckiward9.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084047177443